Financial Information

Funerals can be adjusted to meet your budget.
Feel free to work with us to plan a funeral that's right for you and your loved one.

Terms of Payment


On the day of the dressing we require an initial deposit of $850. We then ask that the account is settled within 7 days. There is a discount of $400* for accounts that are paid on time in full.

How can I pay if the estate is still tied up?

Bank accounts in the name of the deceased are often frozen. These accounts cannot be used until after probate or letters of administration are granted. To ensure ongoing access by a partner, it's better for bank accounts to be in joint names. When settlement of an estate is delayed by probate, we have two options. One, we can submit a funeral expenses claim request their bank. Two, families can pay the funeral account by the due date and recover the funds from the estate when it is settled.


We require payment in full. 2 days before departure

Cemetery Fees

Cemeteries require payment in full, 2 days before the funeral

Financial Aid

We can assist you in applying for following government financial aid programs


WINZ Funeral Grant

If your loved one passes the means and asset test they may be eligible for a WINZ funeral grant of up to $2152.66. This amount changes every year.

ACC Funeral Grant

When a death is established as accidental the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) can pay a funeral grant of up to $6569.53 towards funeral and memorial costs. This amount changes every year.

Veterans Affairs

Veterans may be eligible for a payment towards some funeral expenses.

Finance Options

For many people, the funeral costs are an unexpected expense which can put financial pressure on a family at a very difficult time.
That’s why we offer funeral finance through Gilrose Finance.

  • Apply online or 1-page application in person
  • Get a decision quickly
  • Spread the cost of your loved one’s funeral across smaller payments


Terms and Conditions

  • *$400 discount does not apply to direct cremation professional service fees
  • ashes and death certificates will be returned to the family once all payments are made in full