Arranging a viewing provides a way for family and friends of the deceased to say their final goodbyes in a caring and supportive environment. This is an optional event and can be decided on depending on the wishes of the deceased or the deceased’s family in the absence of clear instructions.
Having the casket on view before the funeral is not mandatory; it is one of the options available.
What Is A Viewing?
Before the casket is taken to the funeral, family and friends can be invited to a viewing. This usually takes place at the funeral home as they have all the necessary facilities to arrange this.
The deceased will be embalmed and placed in a casket where family and friends can visit. Traditionally, the casket will be open, hence the term “viewing”.
It is perfectly fine, however, if the family chooses to keep the casket closed before the funeral. Alternatively, if the deceased has been cremated, the viewing can be a visit to the ashes in an urn. There is no hard and fast rule, and your funeral director will advise you and respect your wishes.
Viewing And Funeral: What Is The Difference?
Times are arranged for the viewing, usually the day before or the day of the funeral. The casket is on display, and family and friends of the loved ones can come and go. There is no designated time limit, and visitors may choose to just stay for a few moments or a few hours.
After this, the casket will be transported to the funeral, which is the formal event that follows a programme of events as decided on by the deceased’s family.
What You Need To Know About Attending A Viewing
Attending a viewing has some protocols that you should observe. On arrival, you can greet the family and offer your condolences. You can then move to the viewing area where the casket lies before the funeral. If the casket is open, do not feel pressured to look if you don’t want to.
As this is usually a solemn time, talking quietly and showing respect is advisable. There is no set time for you to remain; this will entirely be up to you and how you are feeling. If you are particularly close to the family, you may choose to stay and support them for an extended period.
Contact Lagoon View Funeral Services today to discuss options for viewing the casket before the funeral service. Our funeral directors will handle all your requests with sensitivity as we guide you through this difficult time, providing you with a dignified send-off for your loved one.